
Don’t Judge, Peeps

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Salam wbt.

Today, I would love to share a hadith from kitab riyadhussolihin by Imam Nawawi rahimahullah which I heard from ustaz during fajr lecture last Saturday.
The topic was about “ The ways to enter jannah”
I’ll tell you the overall story and if I’ve got time I’ll search the hadith text on internet.

 العاشر عنه رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ أن رَسُول اللَّهِ ﷺ قال: (بينما رجل يمشي بطريق اشتد عليه العطش فوجد بئراً فنزل فيها فشرب ثم خرج فإذا كلب يلهث يأكل الثرى من العطش. فقال الرجل: لقد بلغ هذا الكلب من العطش مثل الذي كان قد بلغ مني، فنزل البئر فملأ خفه ماء ثم أمسكه بفيه حتى رقي فسقى الكلب فشكر اللَّه له فغفر له) قالوا: يا رَسُول اللَّهِ إن لنا في البهائم أجرا فقال ﷺ : (في كل كبد رطبة أجر) مُتَّفَقٌ عَلَيْهِ.
(وفي رواية للبخاري: (فشكر اللَّه له فغفر له فأدخله الجنة

Okay. Let’s get started.There was a man on his way to his destination. He was really exhausted and very thirsty. So on his way, he saw a well that’s got water inside. Without further thinking he jumped down into the well to get the water for him to remove his thirst. Suddenly, after he jumped out from the well he saw a dog who looked also very thirsty and really need water. He felt pity for the dog and jumping back inside the well to take the water for the dog. He put the water inside his shoe and going up with the shoe bitten within his mouth and gave it to the dog. With the act of this guy Allah grant him with jannah and forgive all his sins.

Ma shaa Allah. What an amazing story, right? Oh before I forget that hadith was narrated by Bukhary and Muslim. So the reflection I got from this hadith is we as a Muslim definitely striving to make many good deeds to get His blessing and to enter His jannah, right? Although we have did everything that Allah tell us to do, we do a lot of ibadahs both wajib and sunnah. But we never know which deed will make us step into jannah. The ultimate loser when we know none of our deeds make us enter the jannah but into the hellfire because of our wrong intention . Nauzubillah min zalik. 

Back to the hadith.  The guy in the hadith was so lucky for me. Maybe because he had a good and sincere attention for doing the act that Allah grant him paradise and forgive all his sins. Subhanallah. How beautiful it was.

We should know from the story that to enter the jannah, we should taking care of our relationship not just with our Khaliq (Creator) but also with His makhluk (Creatures) i.e human, animal and nature. For this case- animal. He want to show us even with the unlikely animal i.e. the dog we still need to show a mercy towards it if it’s not cause any harm to us. So do good with everyone around you and who knows, because you feed the animal make you enter the jannah :) iAllah.

To widen the scope of our society today, some are easily judging people and highlighting the mistake of others even he/she did it once and in a minute forget all the good thing that he/she did before. People is not angel. We sometimes strayed away from our path and get back to our track. Don’t take God’s work to judge people. Spread the kindness, help others to make them follow the kindness. You’ll get the investment as well in hereafter soon. IAllah.

Hence in hence, mind your own business as well as people around you in a good way as our Prophet pbuh taught us, with wisdom. Purify our intentions before we do a good deeds. And Allah says that every good deeds will count iAllah.

Love Story Written By Allah

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

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hey guys!

since  it's come to dawn, i want to take a rest from my assignment now. ( actually dah terlebih rest dah,lol) i  couldn't have imagine, this week is very hectic week as i need to submit 4 assignnments in arow. nearly explode  my head. haha.joke. thanks Allah, one of my lecturer give me time until this sunday fo r submitting  assignment. alhamdulillah.

so back to the main thing.
this year a lot, lot of my  friends are getting married. i'm really happy  and grateful to hear that. the non-stop invitation,continuously  come to my mail, or the  so called 'kad wangi' from them. nay, majority got virtual kad wangi lah. i'm really looking forward to come to their wedding.

so ,  last  week i told my mum for asking the permission for me to  go to my friend's wedding. so i told the date,place and the  details. as you guys might guess, this conversation turn out when my mum asking "kak ngah ,  when you want to get married? that day you told me that your soulmate is on the way." me replied" he just lost  his way, because  he's not using  the waze" haha.  just want to make it fun out of topic.  then,  as usual, umi will give me an advice, to  keep praying for a good one. "yeah, when the time comes, the right one wiil come".

to be honest, i was never expected thisthing will burden me that much .  as this  question keep lingering to my ears from my parents or my extended family. i thought i got lali to that question, but this time dfferent, i think i sort of get a pressure seeing a lot of my friends getting married, at this age.  i'm like "can i put this thing aside". it's really disturbing me as i'm loaded with bunch of assignment now.  i'm distructed with that.haha

suddenly one thing comes to my mind.
aa video about waiting for soulmate.  i like a few word from her.she said that our soulmate had been written  sincewe were not born yet. he had create the love story for us.and know that it's the best love story for you. so why don't you bother that much for making your own love story.  she said, before you want to get married, you must ask yourself a question, why you want to get married at the first place? you want to follow the sunnah? in fact that'sa lot of sunnah that you can do apart from married, why you just focus on marriage? it's really make me ponder a while.

you don't want to be lonely?
actually you do feel lonely even after you get married.

you want to complete the other half of your deen?
yes, your intention is good. but have you ever thinking that you 've complete the other half of your deen ? is your relationship with allah is in a good way? allahu. it really struck me the best. want to cry right away. of course not!  my good deeds is not good enough plus a lot of sins that i commit intentionally or unintentionally. astaghfirullah.
the point here, before you want to get married make sure that you're closer enough to allah. do what he ask, and stay away from what he forbid.

she also said to fill our bachelor time with a lot of good readings, exploring new place and many more you can do before you get married. cherish every single love that be given by your family and friend, especially your parents. and lastly keep  a non-stop praying for the best.
i Allah  he'll arrange the meeting of you and yoursoulmate at the right time. that's would  best love story shaa Allah.


Friday, March 8, 2019

hi guys!

i know that is no one reading my blog. this writing is just for me to look back as i barely pour my head into  writing so  when  it's  comes i just write out of blue. so now i'm actually doing my assignment but suddenly something came to my thougt. so i'm decided to put that here right away.

yesterday was jumaat right?  oftenly we as  muslims do a lot of solawat towards our beloved prophet muhammad pbuh. allahumma solli ala muhammad. to be honest i'm really like to sing or i need some melody to fill my day. if not i'm feel incomplete. ceh . (if  it was zikr. astaghfirullah).  if someone turn the music  that i know or i like my mouth will automatically sings that song. i just can't control my mouth from singing but in slow tone if there's man there. but i know sometimes they heard mine.

actually that's not my point. haha.  for me to back into the track as i was  into other lagha songs, i have decided to download any kinds of solawat or zikr  in my playlist or  save them from joox or spotify . so that when im felling terlebih lagha i will turn on the zikr or solawat from that. this is one of my tips so that we 're not missed from the right track. just choose any kind of songs that you like, for me i like to choose songs from maher zain  as i love their contemporary music but in islamic way . sometimes its mix with english and arabic. that's what i love.i  understand the lyrics, sometimes it could be a du'a  a good phrase  in arabic, i'm feel peace and great when i'm hear  the words. actually i'm feeling grateful for taking arabic language .ehe.  while  you entertain yourself with what you like you get 'pahala' also. so not feeling so guilty to  hear that.haha.

speaking about jumaah, i got a  playlist of solawat in  my phone, so as i'm doing my work, my mouth  sings the solawat also.  so i'm not missed to say solawat when jumaah come.  now,i'm fascinated with my brain as jumaah comes my mind always told me to solawat instead of singing  the lagha song.huhu.

actually, you can hear any kind of song,  the meaningful songs also good as it's increase your mood or release you stressful long as it is not make you  forget about the world and hereafter that's ok.  you can try this  also. make it as a routine and you'll feel better afterwards.