
Don’t Judge, Peeps

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Salam wbt.

Today, I would love to share a hadith from kitab riyadhussolihin by Imam Nawawi rahimahullah which I heard from ustaz during fajr lecture last Saturday.
The topic was about “ The ways to enter jannah”
I’ll tell you the overall story and if I’ve got time I’ll search the hadith text on internet.

 العاشر عنه رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ أن رَسُول اللَّهِ ﷺ قال: (بينما رجل يمشي بطريق اشتد عليه العطش فوجد بئراً فنزل فيها فشرب ثم خرج فإذا كلب يلهث يأكل الثرى من العطش. فقال الرجل: لقد بلغ هذا الكلب من العطش مثل الذي كان قد بلغ مني، فنزل البئر فملأ خفه ماء ثم أمسكه بفيه حتى رقي فسقى الكلب فشكر اللَّه له فغفر له) قالوا: يا رَسُول اللَّهِ إن لنا في البهائم أجرا فقال ﷺ : (في كل كبد رطبة أجر) مُتَّفَقٌ عَلَيْهِ.
(وفي رواية للبخاري: (فشكر اللَّه له فغفر له فأدخله الجنة

Okay. Let’s get started.There was a man on his way to his destination. He was really exhausted and very thirsty. So on his way, he saw a well that’s got water inside. Without further thinking he jumped down into the well to get the water for him to remove his thirst. Suddenly, after he jumped out from the well he saw a dog who looked also very thirsty and really need water. He felt pity for the dog and jumping back inside the well to take the water for the dog. He put the water inside his shoe and going up with the shoe bitten within his mouth and gave it to the dog. With the act of this guy Allah grant him with jannah and forgive all his sins.

Ma shaa Allah. What an amazing story, right? Oh before I forget that hadith was narrated by Bukhary and Muslim. So the reflection I got from this hadith is we as a Muslim definitely striving to make many good deeds to get His blessing and to enter His jannah, right? Although we have did everything that Allah tell us to do, we do a lot of ibadahs both wajib and sunnah. But we never know which deed will make us step into jannah. The ultimate loser when we know none of our deeds make us enter the jannah but into the hellfire because of our wrong intention . Nauzubillah min zalik. 

Back to the hadith.  The guy in the hadith was so lucky for me. Maybe because he had a good and sincere attention for doing the act that Allah grant him paradise and forgive all his sins. Subhanallah. How beautiful it was.

We should know from the story that to enter the jannah, we should taking care of our relationship not just with our Khaliq (Creator) but also with His makhluk (Creatures) i.e human, animal and nature. For this case- animal. He want to show us even with the unlikely animal i.e. the dog we still need to show a mercy towards it if it’s not cause any harm to us. So do good with everyone around you and who knows, because you feed the animal make you enter the jannah :) iAllah.

To widen the scope of our society today, some are easily judging people and highlighting the mistake of others even he/she did it once and in a minute forget all the good thing that he/she did before. People is not angel. We sometimes strayed away from our path and get back to our track. Don’t take God’s work to judge people. Spread the kindness, help others to make them follow the kindness. You’ll get the investment as well in hereafter soon. IAllah.

Hence in hence, mind your own business as well as people around you in a good way as our Prophet pbuh taught us, with wisdom. Purify our intentions before we do a good deeds. And Allah says that every good deeds will count iAllah.

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cakaple sumthing kt saye:)