
Why I chose to fly? | Don't judge.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Assalamualaikum and hi peeps!
Yeah I know the fact that no one reading. Haha XD

This just come to my thought and I need to write it up.
For my future self to remember.
So like the title said. Why I chose to fly to oversea?

Actually, I'm not getting that offer right after I finished my SPM and got the result.
I went to foundation in University of Malaya.
I got to finished until the end.
And you know what, by the end of my last semester, I undeliberately applied for this oversea program sponsored by KPM collaborated with IPG. I had no strong intention to be a teacher unlike my college mates at that time, they are really into this teachers thingy but no me.

They filtered the candidates with two interviews session.
Physical test like PE to see whether you fit enough to be a educator.
Also, the last interview like the normal one.

Unexpectedly, I knew I was accepted to that program is by call when i'm driving at the shopping mall. I'm shocking like crazy, and can't think straight and I said I need a time to make a decision. This is really beyond expectation, there's a lot of my friends eagerly waiting for this offer but I can say Alhamdulillah I got it. But I was blurred.

After istikharah few times and ask for advises from elders and friends. I accept.

Tak masuk tajuk lagi kan?  kah3. Muqaddimah haruslah power.

Like I said just now, actually i don't have clear and refine intention why I flew to oversea.
In my thought that time, I want to make myself and my parents proud just because I got to study in oversea. Look at me. Ish ish ish Astaghfirullah. Riyak Takbur.

Plus, at first I don't really like my previous study and forced to take it as what was offered to me by UPU. No choice. And for this time, I don't know whether I'm like it or not but better than previous I guessed plus the oversea mindset took over me. *double facepalm*. Pardon my past self. Ya Allah.

You know what, my wrong intention got paid!
For the first semester. I crying and sighing like crazy wanted to go back home.
I also calculated my debt if I really have to go back. Lol.
I felt like I was torched inside my head to digest all the study thingy plus the struggle to understand what the lecturer were talking about especially subject that don't have specific book, just depend on the lecturer. I thought I got only 5% input during classes. 
Memang rasa nak give up.

Alhamdulillah, after times went by. I revised my intention and asked God for strength,also bunch of support from family and friends. I managed to get it done on time. Alhamdulillah. I admitted this journey is not that easy. It got bumpy roads and sometimes you fell from them but Allah is Most Merciful, He sent His hands through kind people around me. You know, I'm truly blessed to have them until know. They are really kind and sincere to me. I am someone who appreciate relationship so much, please don't break my wings. Aha!

As the time passed, Allah slowly revealed His hikmahs from everything that He let me to passed through. Plus, Allah is so kind as He continuously give me rizqis without I'm noticing.
Astaghfirullah. My bad I'm rarely count my blessings. :(

(67:23) Say, “It is He who has produced you and made for you hearing and vision and hearts; little are you grateful.”
As normal human being, we're going through the ups and downs, right. We're tend to complains and less to be grateful. Little that we know, He never neglects us, and He know exactly what we feel.  That how this dunya works, to test us, not to bring us down but to lift us up. Just a little reflection. Urgh. 

Things is getting better now I'm started to renavigate my life towards what Allah have direct me. The journey still not stopping yet. Pray me the best to be beneficial to others also to be bold and mature as my age. LOL :P

Sharing you (actually myself :P) my graduation picture.
The formal one

In front of new building of YU.

Model dinding jadilah XD

Hogward Graduated. It's Levi-OH-sa not  Leviosa :P

my 1st back bone
my 2nd  back bone

Ok, see ya!

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cakaple sumthing kt saye:)