
Be patient!

Monday, February 18, 2019

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This dunya nothing more than our examination hall and it will end until Allah cut out breath. At that point nothing left but our good deeds that we done in dunya.

We often tell others to be patient when our friends or family stuck into some problems. And we think the act of  sabr is easy as it said. But after we ourself especially me going through the actual scene. It's really hard and need a lot of mujahadah because somehow it feels like a 'tornado' in your chest. Pain inside. Ouch!

I'm feel grateful that our religion teach us the concept of redha, and always put everything back to Allah to show that human is nothing, only to Allah we give our life and soul, we depend on. That's why when Islam taught us when we hear someone got some musibah, we say:
إن لله وإن إليه راجعون
"From Allah we come, and to Him also we'll return"

Contrary to the other religion, somehow when they're facing problem, they don't know what to do, feeling depress and unfortunately deciding to commit a suicide. Nauzubillahi min zalik.
May Allah protect us from that.

Know something, that everytime you are facing a problem with patience, Allah will grant you a lot of ajr. It's worth thousand of time than any other wealth in dunya. In shaa Allah.

May we also incuded the one from assobirien.Ameen

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cakaple sumthing kt saye:)