

Thursday, March 13, 2014

don't you ever think you have time left!

gulpp . deep 

In da name of Allah

just now watching the Deen Show through youtube.
the speaker who is someone i'm admire so machh..

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan

As im briefly know he is a muslim convert to Atheist  and turn back to the right track. Islam.
Im knowing him recently since im watching Aiman Aizlan and he sometime mention his name.
plus, there're few suggested vids which appear at left side which is his talk .
Im wondering maybe he's some of the superb people. so just take a look to his.

Yup, really inspiring so much..
his conversation simply attract youngster to hear  (include me)
with few jokes. but still can understand what he's about to point.

just now,
discussing about predestination (qada' and qadr).
If someone ask " Why should am I to blame, as everything is know by Allah?"
slap him.
they may say " why you slap me?"
"you cannot angry with me, this is what Allah willing to happen"
simple example and seems quite true.

I remember my classmate told about this matter in his presentation.
qada and qadr is simply like this:
the human life just like a group of letter
what's at the middle?  CHOICE!
 indeed, Allah give u a choice in your life.
You must decide it which is parallel to ur faith.

ustaz also said that
if you are about to make change of yourself
do it earnestly, do it as you are really dont want to repeat the sins
even if you do an endless mountain of evils deed, when you make taubah,
Allah do not only forgive your sins but Allah convert those billions sins too good deed!
sohanallah! Allah is most Merciful..
so "fabiayyiala irabbikuma tukazziban"?
in hereafter soon,
after you're going through hisab ect.ect.
and you are allowable to enter jannah,
and you're happily walking through it
suddenly a wall stuck your way.bangg!!
you ask why?
it is because you procrastinate you repent to Allah .
aigoo~ im just like....huaa~ afraid!!
Nauzubillah min zalik (*~~*)
may Allah give us His HUDA wan NUR..

ok. until this my sharing.
May Allah bless and
Peace be upon you!

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cakaple sumthing kt saye:)