
course choosing tips for SPM leavers

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

peace be upon you!

macamane adek kakok yg amek SPM?
ok? x ok? btw, congrats and make praise to Allah for whatever result you'd got.
say Alhamdulillah, thank you ALLAH!
heyy.. wake uplaa.. this is not the end of the world !
ya that's true, SPM is your first step to choose ur carrier in future.
tp.. x semestinya laahh... ade je someone ni dye amek engineering, jadi bisnesman..
remember one thing!
sejak 1400 tahun sebelum kita dilahirkan everything has be written
jodoh, ajalmaut, and yes of course REZEKI semuanya dah ditetapkan..
percaya dengan janji Allah..
based my observation (act bukan aq observe pon),
manusia ni banyak terkejar2, beriyo2 cari apa yg dah ditetapkan Allah,
like rezeki,jodoh.. tp surga or neraka.. xdikejar2 sgt pon..( talk to myself too)
for my case,
one time I'm feel regret ( dush!) taking my course,
but, bile Allah dah ketuk dah hentak hati ni, dah sedau sikit,
i try to convince myself that Allah ade plan yg GEMPAK for my future.
i believe that!
as Allah said dalam buku novel cinta kita tuu,,
Tak semestinya apa yang kita suka, baik untuk kita
Tak semua yang kita benci tu, buruk bagi kita
and everything happen for a good reason, ade hikmahnye tuu..
lagi2 this is my umi's desire to see her daughter taking this course,
ade keberkatan di situ ye.. *mata bercahaya*
even though it's really takes 'an' effort..huu T.T
gambate kundasai aten >_<

for adeks SPM leavers,
smentara masa masih ade, choose the course carefully,
make research!
ask your counsellor teacher!
what are you interesting more,
but, but,
ape yg kite interested tu, are we also good at it?
tu pon kene consider gak, kadang kite minat, tapi kita low subject tu,,
xjalan jugak..
it must be parallel.. kite minat and kite good at it..
tapi kalau kite dah bertekad 110% nk strive kat course yg kite rase kite minat, n low sikit..
just pursue..tapi x digalakkanlah takut pressure kan. x pasal2 bertambah bilangan manusia kt tg rambutan tu.
eh. gurau2 je.ehee..
n for those who got 'warna terbang' result tu,,congratz..
selagi ade scholarship,,
apply jelaa segala2nya...
mara, jpa, ipg, bank negara...semua2 lah.. cari je..
kalau tak you will regret for the rest of your life... *guruh*
hahaha (vampire's laugh)
jangan risau laa course ko xde market,, sume,,
itu sume typical makcik2 minded..haha
what are you enjoy at it...just take it.
kan td dah cakap.. rezeki tu Allah da tetapkanla...
tapi after UPU's result announced, and x menepati citerasa hangpa,
don't be sad.. Allah ade perancangan terbaik untuk kite.
maybe course yg kite idam2kan tuu,,  xd peluang pekerjaan ke,
maybe u can't cope to study that course.. pk positif je (tembak diri)..
we plan, you plan, but Allah is da best planner!
so,, fikir fikirkanlah course mu ( rentak lagu en.mimpi)

klah, till then,
mahap salah silap yew!
hope u get some info!
peace be upon ya!

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