
Adapting New Phase

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Hello what's up peeps.
Btw, Salam to all.Hiks.

It's been a while.
I always want to write something but don't have chance to write up.
And sometime the idea is not coming.
The excuse tho...haha. Procastinator alert

Just to update what am I currently doing rite now.
Alhamdulillah, I've started working officially as an educator.*clap please*
Thanks guys. haha.
I'm started on February this year. Basically it has been 3+ months already.
You know what.....
This thang is not easy man. The real world hit me hard. *sobs*

It 's really challenging because you deal with a lot of people and they're ignoring you.
Not all but mostly. 
It always make me drain mentally and emotionally.
When you put a lot and your effort is unappreciated. 
I just started..please guys. I'm hoping for the best environment.
But it turned out differently. I know Allah has His plan for me.
But I don't know what future may hold. I just have faith on his plan and doing my best.

Sometime, I miss my previous student when I was a part time lecturer back then.
They were really different than my current student. 
Eventho there were few of them sometimes being troublesome but they have respect towards their teacher. They're more mature I can say.

Yeah. That is only a good memory.
And now we must face the reality! Wake up!
Take it as a challenge for you to be more creative and independent.
Upgrade your skill and find ways, plus this pdpr time. hahahaa.
What can I say when students are studying without their teacher around *flip table*.

Disclaimer: Not apply to your so terpaling behave student yang selalu masuk online class and buat all your task, Pfttt. Pak Annoying.

Ini lagi satu.
Please be more sensitive la guys. You just told that people around you posting and ranting about their student not giving commitment to the class. You know that fact. 
Suddenly you bragging about your student who always attend your class, complete you task, yada,yada,yada. So what????? You want to tell the whole world that you're the best teacher? Pfttt.

Sorry guys. I just pissed off.

Ok back to normal.
I know this phase is quite hard for me and most of my friend.
I read their stories. So I know. Somes, told me their problems, we share the feeling together and we felt relieved after that. Eventho we were laughing when we told the stories and make it not so serious but I'm pretty sure, inside, we are crying. And that is life after all. We can share it to anyone but the reality we may face it by our own selves, make a step and see the result.
If it is turn out well, we're happy and if it's not we learn and improve. That's how life teach us.

Oklah that pretty much of my story.
I just pray to Allah everything gonna be well and easier for us,
I'm curious and nervous about the future, but someone said, focus on the present. which will determine the result for our future. 

Alright mate, till then. Adios.

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cakaple sumthing kt saye:)